Why Curved Papers?

Curved Papers make it easy to roll!
Curved Papers solve the classic RYO problem: with square papers, if you don’t keep your top and bottom edge parallel, your front corner doesn’t tuck. That’s what makes it tricky to Roll Your Own. That’s why you’re always having to fiddle around with the corners of traditional rectangular rolling papers, and why putting one of those papers into a single-cigarette rolling machine is so difficult.

In the 1970’s, cut-corners were introduced to solve this problem, they gave you some tolerance for not having your edges perfectly, parallel, but they were funny-looking and initially, nobody liked them. Nobody explained them. Elegant Curved Papers are an innovative improvement, functionally and visually. Many times easier than cut-corners, you just roll straight up the middle every time.
Help Make Marijuana Legal.
Buy These Rolling Papers!
NORML® Curved® Papers are beautiful and burn perfectly. Made from 100% organic hemp, they feature the easy to roll curved edge. They bear the NORML® brand and support with a royalty The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, the fifty year old vanguard legalization juggernaut that leads the legalization movement, and has laid down the foundation for cannabis consumer advocacy in the legal markets. As a licensee of NORML®, Curved Papers puts NORML® Curved® Papers into the retail environment, generating a revenue stream designed to sustain this preeminent and historic advocacy.

Our Customers
Our customers come from all corners of the globe. Young, old. Recreational, medical. Legal smokers of all stripes.
At home in the US, with our dear neighbors to the North and South, in Europe and around the world, Curved Papers people appreciate fine quality, design, and engineering. There is something simply natural about flower, paper, and fire. The aesthetic and functional quality of the easy to roll curved edge can be applied to any of your favorite rolling papers and wraps.
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The Curved Papers Four Pack
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